Git(hub) In A Nutshell

A crash course on how to use git/github

Created by Wen Li /


Working Directory: The directory where the normal files are stored

Commit: A snapshot of changes made between two versions

Branch: A sequence of commits representing editing history

Repository: A place (directory) where branches live


Basically can be imagined as a diff file containing changes in multiple files

Smartgit screen shot of a diff


A series commits that may branch out and be merge with the others.

Smartgit screen shot of CKAN history

Repository (repo)

A place where all branches live, which is named .git

Smartgit screen shot of CKAN history

Basic operations

  • git init Create a repo with in the project root directory
  • git checkout -b <branch> Create a new branch starting from the latest commit (branch out)
  • git add . Add changes to staging area, i.e., create a snapshot of the changes you have made
  • git commit -m "your commit message" Commit the staged changes to repo
  • git tag <name> Mark a commit with a name
  • git checkout <branch> Check out another branch

Working with Remote Repo

Remote repo is just another .git directory locating somewhere else.

  • git clone <URL> Create a local mirror of the remote repo
  • git remote add <name> <URL> Add a reference to a remote repo
  • git push <name> <branch> Upload (synchronize) the current branch to the remote repo
  • git pull <name> <branch> Download (synchronize) the branch in the remote repo and merge it to the current one


When something happened

  • git log Viewing the history of current branch
  • git checkout <ref> Update the working directory to the states of a branch/tag/commit
  • git revert <ref> Create a new commit to revert the changes made since ref
  • git checkout -b <new branch> Create a new branch from current point
  • git merge <branch> Merge the changes from another branch

What is Github?

Github is evil?
  • It is online platform holding repositories
  • It is a project management platform for
    • hosting documents
    • communicating bugs and features
    • profiling the work load
  • You can even setup static website on it

A demo in SmartGit (Github)

Why SmartGit?

  • Full featured GUI
  • Standalone: supporting various work flow/style
  • Cross platform: available on Windows, Linux, Mac OS

Scene 1

Creating a git repository

  • Create a new local repo git init
  • Create a local mirroring repo from a remote repo
    git clone <URL> <dir>
  • Create a new remote repo
  • Create a new remote mirroring repo from another remote repo

Scene 1-1

Creating a local repository

Scene 1-2

Clone a remote repo to local

Scene 1-3

Creating a repository on Github

Scene 1-4

Creating a repo on Github from another repo

Scene 2

Managing Commits

  • Staging the difference:
    git add <filepath>
  • Create a commit in the repo
    git commit -m "<description>"
  • Create a new branch
    git checkout -b <branch>
  • Tag a commit
    git tag <name>

Scene 2-1

Commit to a repository

Scene 2-2

Create a new branch

Scene 2-3

Create a new tag

Scene 3

Synchronizing repository

  • Pull (download) from the upstream:
    git pull
  • Push (upload) to the upstream:
    git push

Scene 3-1

Synchronizing repository (Pull)

Scene 3-2

Synchronizing repository (Push)

Scene 4


  • View editing history (log)
  • Abandon uncommitted changes git checkout -- <filepath>
  • Abandon last commits: git revert
  • Resolve merge conflicts

Scene 4-1

View log

Scene 4-2

Abandon uncommitted changes

Scene 4-2

Abandon last commits

Scene 4-4

Merge / Conflict

Scene 5

Management and collaboration on Github

  • Issue management
  • Direct Editing
  • Pull request
  • Deleting a repository (project)

Scene 5-1

Issue Management

Scene 5-2

Editing a file on Github

Scene 5-3

Pull Request

Scene 5-4

Pull Request Accepting

Scene 5-5

Delete a repository on Github

Daily Routine

  • Always pull before push to make sure the changes in the remote branch integrates with your new changes
    • Resolve conflicts
    • Test integrity
  • Keep remote master consistent all the time
  • Open issues to document the discussions of problems and decision making processes for later reference

Learning resources


  • Merge vs Rebase
  • Pull vs Fetch then Merge/Rebase
  • Revert vs Reset


  • Merge vs Rebase
  • Pull vs Fetch then Merger/Rebase
  • Revert vs Reset

Git commit -m

"The end"

Thanks & Questions

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